World Camera Day 2020

World Camera Day 2020 Competition

World Camera Day is June 29.  The day commemorates photographs, the camera, and their invention. Grab your camera or cameras, new or vintage, and take some pictures on World Camera Day weekend, from June 27 to 29, then post your three favorite images to the PSNWA World Camera Day Competition.  Sponsored by Bedford Camera & Video.

Note: Images should be no longer than 1000 to 2000 pixels along the longest edge. Large image files may not load at all or cause an error during the loading process. Please use JPEG images. If you receive an error simply email the image along with the title and description to and a volunteer will ensure your image is uploaded to the competition.
World Camera Day Competition Rules

Photographic Society of Northwest Arkansas Members can submit 3 photographs taken on June 27, 28 or 29 in this competition. You have until July 31 to post your 3 best images taken during the June 27-29 period Voting on images will take place in August. Each member will have the opportunity to vote for five of their favorite photographs in the competition. One photographer will be selected as winner based on the total votes received and juried by the PSNWA Chairman for Photographic Competitions. The member with the winning image will receive a $25 Bedford Camera & Video gift certificate and a t-shirt from the PSNWA online shop. Images may be displayed at participating business sponsors around Northwest Arkansas post competition and published online or in print by PSNWA.