Darkroom Open Lab
March 26, 2018
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Have you signed up for the Darkroom but haven’t had a chance to spend as much time in there as you would like?
Did you take a class and want to learn more?
Are there still some areas you could use some help in?
Then this is an evening for you.
The purpose of the Open Lab is to be a time of learning and committed processing. If you have some negatives that need to be developed or even want to try making prints – this is the time!
March 17, 2018
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Come join us for a morning nature walk down Sinking Stream Trail at Hobbs State Park.
The trailhead shares the parking lot, restroom, and picnic tables with the Historic Van Winkle Trail on Hwy 12. This short and easy trail is a loop, upstream from the tunnels under Hwy 12. It goes up one side of Little Clifty Creek, crosses 3 bridges, then returns on the other side. It is natural surface, single track, for foot traffic only. The trail follows old level road beds, except for a couple hundred yards on west side hill. The upstream portion of the creek sinks under the rocks during dry spells, then re-emerges further on downstream. A nice spring on the west side runs all year. One of the three Scout bridges crosses this spring flow, just below some small beaver dams. Spring flowers abound here, before the large sycamore, oak, hickory trees, and spice bush, shade them out. Lots of birds, deer, and other wildlife love this area, and can be seen if you are quiet.
March 10, 2018
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
The weather outside might not be right for flowers, but that doesn’t mean there are none to photograph! Back by popular demand it is the Ninth Annual Flowers in the Studio photo session!
February 17, 2018
7:30 am - 12:00 pm
Registration is full! Be sure to look for the PSNWA Eagle Tour next winter.
In collaboration with Hobbs State Park, the Nature Photographers of PSNWA have scheduled a members only eagle photo tour on Beaver Lake.
February 10, 2018
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Crystal balls, scarves, smoke, and dramatic light. Join us as we explore taking stylized Gypsy pictures in the studio inspired by a popular short course online by Gavin Hoey.
During this fun studio session we will have models posing in different outfits and backdrops in a gypsy theme. Studio photography experience is not required. Experienced studio photographers will be on site to answer any questions and set lights.
There is a $20 fee per member to assist with prop and wardrobe purchases. Participants are asked to upload a few images from the session to an online gallery shared with models and makeup artists participating in the session. A tip jar will also be available at the session to show appreciation for the models.