February 2, 2021
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
The 2021 PSNWA Distinguished Photographer series begins with Michael Bradley, a wetplate photographer who celebrates Maori Facial Tattoos and its placement within indigenous culture.
The visible spectrum of wetplate collodion, is insensitive to blue light – which also is the color of ‘ta moko’ facial markings of Maori people, in his native New Zealand. Facial tattoos are an important part of Maori culture, yet the opportunity to reverse tradition created a moment of self reflection otherwise absent.
Michael Bradley is based in Aukland, New Zealand as a commercial photographer specializing in food, editorial and professional sports.
November 10, 2020
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
The PSNWA Distinguished Photographer series presents Lou Meluso, a photographer who has worked for museums like the Getty in Los Angeles and the Nelson Atkins in Kansas City. As an expert technician and artist image maker, Lou was also Director of Imaging at the Art Institute of Chicago.
Currently the Director of the Fort Smith Regional Art Museum, he is both gifted and creative, facets to the foundation of his talk for PSNWA: “Gaining Impact in Your Images”.
Lou will inspire you, while helping tear down preconceptions that get in the way of great image making.
October 6, 2020
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
The PSNWA Distinguished Photographer series presents Beverly Buys, a cyanotype artist from Hot Springs, Arkansas.
A former educator who is listed on the Arkansas Arts Registry, she is a 57th Delta exhibition participant, and has hung solo shows at the Delta Cultural Center, ASU Beebe Gallery, and many other locations. Primarily known for cyanotypes, she is an analogue photographer working with light sensitive materials and chemistry in a traditional darkroom.
September 1, 2020
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Brooklyn photographer Ed Drew was commissioned to photograph Black Arkansas Veterans upon a recent relocation to Little Rock – a work on social equality which is currently on exhibit at the Mosaic Templar Cultural Center.
August 4, 2020
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Since 2017, Carlos Diaz has travelled 30,000 miles photographing Confederate Monuments as they are being removed. As a person of color, he is “bravely attentive” to American history and national shortcomings on race and diversity.
In an effort to better understand the controversy and complexity of Confederate Monuments, Carlos hopes his viewers will engage as culture transforms, and contribute to conversations about our changing American experience.