March 1, 2016
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Guest Photographer: Kat Wilson
Kat Wilson’s work has appeared in Oxford American, the Washington Post, the Virginia Quarterly Review, and Communication Arts. Her Habitats series, portraying the people of blue-collar towns in the South, has been exhibited widely. Kat’s work has continued to evolve as she has gained footing across the country; studying and creating art in the most art involved cities in the states. Kat’s work continues to erupt forward with her newest series, Layers. With this series, Kat shows her growth as a technical artist, as well as her ability to project the stunning. Layers, brings complexity to natural spaces, drawing forth a human element with the desire for a sound bite in time. Wilson gathers images from varying degrees, often pulling information in a complete 360°, then layers one on top of the other in an effort to tell a broader story of the scene while staying true to a painterly quintessence.
Each month the Photographic Society of Northwest Arkansas, hosts a General Meeting on the first Tuesday, (except for January, check calendar for exact dates). The meetings are open to all, and members and guests are encouraged to attend. Come have dinner and speak with area photographers and enthusiasts.
February 2, 2016
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
February’s featured photographer: Walt Beazley. Photographer for the Arkasnsas Razorbacks!
Walt Beazley is a working professional photographer based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. A Forrest City native, Beazley currently is contracted with the University of Arkansas Athletic Department. He has been in the photography profession for the better part of 20 years. First published in Sports Illustrated at the age of 19, Beazley has subsequently seen publication in many national sport and news publications. 2011 marked the year Beazley returned to Arkansas to become the photographer for the Arkansas Razorbacks.
December 1, 2015
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
PSNWA will celebrate the Holidays with our Annual Pot Luck Dinner at the PSNWA Gallery & Studios. PSNWA will supply chicken from AQ for the dinner. Members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert.
This year’s potluck will include a special canned food drive to benefit a local food bank that needs its shelves restocked. We are asking everyone attending to please bring a canned or non-perishable item to benefit the charity. (Please make sure the food isn’t expired or close to expiration.) PSNWA will match contributions up to 100 cans of food.
November 3, 2015
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
This months featured photographer: Casey Mayer
[image_frame style=”framed” title = “Casey Mayer” align=”right” height=”150″ width=”150″]
Each month the Photographic Society of Northwest Arkansas, hosts a General Meeting on the first Tuesday, (except for January, check calendar for exact dates). The meetings are open to all, and members and guests are encouraged to attend. Come have dinner and speak with area photographers and enthusiasts.