September 4, 2018
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Vicky Sparkman explores deep emotion through intricate narratives existing in realms brought forth from the artist’s mind. Her artistic process was developed while studying photography and graphic design under the direction of Victor Chalfant.
Vicky’s work expresses profound emotion, whether beautiful and bright or dark and sinister. Her art represents intuitive expression of thought and desire, which cannot be portrayed by words alone.
Uncertainty? Love? Fear? Comfort? Vicky Sparkman hopes you will experience emotional connections to her art that will lead you on an individual journey of self-reflection and wonderment.
Please join us for a presentation of her work at 7pm, September 4th at Whole Hog Café in Fayetteville, AR.
July 10, 2018
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Members and guests: Please join us Tuesday, July 10, at 7 p.m. for a special PSNWA general meeting and guest speaker.
“Get your kicks on Route 66…” Greg Disch will talk about Route 66 and display some of the images of the iconic highway and its unique and colorful roadside attractions
June 5, 2018
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Members and guests: Please join us Tuesday, June 5, at 7 p.m. at Adventure Subaru for a special PSNWA general meeting and guest speaker.
Don Nelms will give us a guided tour through Adventure Subaru to show off his photography there. Those of you who have been there have probably seen some of Don’s amazing artwork. He’ll talk more about his nature photography and his gallery, Nelms Gallery, in Jasper.
It’s a special event, so please join us!
May 22, 2018
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Summer is upon us, and it’s time to get out and enjoy nature. This month we will plan to meet at Lake Wilson in Fayetteville. There are opportunities around the lake and on the two hiking trails. In addition to your camera gear, a hiking stick, bug spray, and possibly a flashlight would be suggestions depending on how late you expect to stay out. There are no lights in the area, so it can get very dark once the sun goes down ( sunset is 8:21 PM).
Lake Wilson was the City’s first drinking water supply. Now, this 320-acre park features two looping trails with rock outcrops and excellent natural beauty. The inside loop trail around the lake is 1.33 miles around and the outer loop trail is 1.76 miles long. The spillway was repaired in 2010, but caution should be used while crossing the spillway section of the trail.
The trail was built by members of the Ozark Society and dedicated to Joe and Maxine Clark in 1995.
Directions: In south Fayetteville, take South School (71-B), turn left onto 156 (Willoughby Rd), (if you get to Drake Field airport, you’ve gone too far) go several miles and at the big curve, turn right onto 69 (Wilson Hollow Road). Follow Wilson Hollow across the White River, when the pavement ends, bear to the left at the fork in the road(Rt.165, Lake Wilson Rd). Proceed to Lake Wilson. Continue straight past the lake dam to the end of the road where you will find a large picnic shelter on the left side of the road, along the lake. We’ll meet at the picnic shelter before we head out.
Google Map link for location:
PDF of the trails at Lake Wilson Park
May 12, 2018
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
As Summer of 2018 approaches, so too does the parade of planets in the night sky! Venus leads the way, visible until almost 10pm! And just as Venus is setting, Jupiter majestically rises in the East at its largest and brightest. Although we are saying goodnight to Orion the Hunter, more constellations are coming into view with a host of great deep sky nebulae, start clusters, and galaxies to see.
Please join us on Saturday May 12 th for a special Hobbs State Park Star Party co-hosted by Sugar Creek Astronomical Society and the Photographic Society of NWA. We will start off the night with lectures at 7:30 and followed by a Star Party where you will be able to look through telescopes and practice dark sky photography.
Tim Johnson of the Photographic Society of NWA (PSNWA) will kick off our evening with a presentation on Night Photography. Tim will share some of the equipment used, techniques, and share some amazing examples of the kind of photographs of the night sky that can be achieved. Following the lecture, we encourage you to take your own night sky photographs during the Star Party.
Next, Rick Marshall of Sugar Creek Astronomical Society will give a presentation on the king of the planets, Jupiter. Rick will cover some facts about the largest planet in our solar system, the history of human investigation of Jupiter and its moons, and then he will cover what to expect when looking at Jupiter during the Star Party.
What to Bring if you can:
– Camera and a Tripod for Night Sky Photography
– Flashlight (covered with a red cloth or red balloon)
– Binoculars and/or telescope (if you have)
– Folding chair – one per person
– Star chart (if you have one)
Where & When:
– Hobbs State Park Visitor Center
– Located on Hwy 12 just east of the Hwy 12/War Eagle Road intersection.
– Saturday May 12 th 2018
– 7:30 pm Lecture, 8:30 for Star Party
– Cost: Free
Photographic Society of NWA’s Facebook Group is https://www.facebook.com/groups/PSNWAnature/ and their website is https://www.psnwa.org/ns/. Sugar Creek Astronomical Society’s Facebook Group is https://www.facebook.com/groups/143382315673668/