Past Classes

  •  June 12, 2022
     2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Wildflower Photography and Native Plants
When: Sunday, June 12, 2022 at 2:00 PM
Where: Hobbs State Park Visitor Center
20201 East Hwy. 12
Rogers, AR 72756

Interested in wildflower photography using any camera available? If so, then this class may be helpful as you seek to improve the quality of your wildflower and flora photos.
Equipment and techniques will all be discussed to help you achieve the desired artistic vision for your photography. The class will feature nature photographers Mickey Arlow and Tim Johnson from the Photographic Society of NWA as your instructors. After the indoor presentation, if the weather is cooperative, we’ll use the grounds and wildflower beds around the Hobbs Visitor center for hands-on practice and demonstration. Remember to bring a camera, any type will do, and a tripod if you have one.

Wild flower


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  •  May 11, 2022
     7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Photographing Waterfalls Class with Cleeo Wright, in preparation for a Waterfall Tour the following Saturday.

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  •  March 15, 2022
     7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

While digital devices make photography today easier and faster, they can also make things more difficult if they are not all working together. Are those devices all speaking the same language, is the red color on my camera, the same red color to my printer? If not, you might want to learn a little about how to implement a color managed work flow into your photography.

Do you have problems with color casts on your photos, prints that are too dark or simply don’t look like the file on your monitor? Your problem may be a lack of color standards in your photo workflow. There are methods to make the camera, monitor and printer all speak the same language, with regard to color.

This class will discuss how to get your photographic devices, camera, monitor and printer all on the same page and in the end, make your output closer to your artistic vision.

To join the class, you must click on the below button and register at Zoho Webinar.


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  •  February 15, 2022
     7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Class Instructor: John Baltz / Mickey Arlow

What are photography competition judges looking for when they determine the top photographs in a competition? What are the criteria used and how can I make sure my image meets those criteria? How do I choose an image to enter into the competition? Have you asked yourself these questions? Then you need to take this class.

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  •  December 7, 2021
     7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Join photographer John Dailey for an online webinar as he provides information on how to critique your images.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.