Fireworks class
June 8, 2017
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Want to know how to get those streaks of fireworks? Eager to photograph special July 4 events? This class will provide insight on how to photograph fireworks, from huge displays to at-home celebrations. This class accompanies the PSNWA Fireworks Shoot at Arvest Ballpark on June 9, but can be taken separately as well. Instructor Melissa L. Jones will offer suggestions on equipment, settings and general know-how for fireworks photography. For those planning to attend the shoot the next night, she’ll provide special insight into the home of the Northwest Arkansas Naturals, including the best places in the ballpark to shoot (when you’re not attending as a PSNWA member with a special pass) and the best times to get the best shows.
The class will take place at 7 p.m. at the PSNWA Gallery & Studio, 207 NE Second Street in Bentonville, on June 8, 2017.
May 25, 2017
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Adobe Photoshop for Portraiture with Wendy Dunn
I will be walking through my portrait processing workflow from beginning to end. This includes tips and tricks for producing beautiful finished portraits in the time-efficient process.
Among the topics covered will be; color balance, color cast, skin retouching, cropping for impact and enhancing images through the use of actions.
Prerequisites: Must have a basic understanding of Adobe Photoshop
Wendy Dunn Bio
Wendy is a 40 year Fayetteville resident who runs a full time portrait and commercial photography studio in Northwest Arkansas. Her specialties are seniors and newborns, but she also photographs commercial products, families, children, and has a successful professional headshot niche.
Wendy is a 12 year member of the PSNWA, a PSNWA Fellow, and has served on the Board of Directors for ten years in various positions. She has been recognized three times by the readers of Celebrate Magazine as Northwest Arkansas’ best photographer, and has also been a finalist for Best Photographer in Northwest Arkansas Online’s readers poll. Her work with seniors has been recognized nationally by Senior Style Guide, Modern Seniors, and Senior Year Magazine. She will be featured this May by Bokeh Magazine, a general photography enthusiast magazine sold through Apple Stores
April 27, 2017
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Introduction to the Exposure Triangle
Instructor: Daryl Chappell
If you’re tired of shooting in your camera’s basic modes and want to learn how to take more control of your images, then this class is for you.
March 30, 2017
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Class Instructor: John Baltz
This is a short hour long class to prepare you for the Flowers in the Studio event. We will cover the basics of what you will need to know to successfully photograph flowers in the studio, including how to use the strobes, setting a custom white balance, and some unique tricks.
March 23, 2017
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
How to Take Photographs Using Composite Techniques
Instructor: Dan Snow
Dan Snow, a freelance photographer, has a strong desire to understand the tragedies of life, and what drives people like his father, a career police officer, to protect us from these horrors. Over the past year, he has sought out different locations where some kind of tragedy has taken place, fatal accidents, crimes, war, and natural catastrophes. The death scenes he photographs are approached as both an investigator and an artist.