March 17, 2018
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Nature Photography Class with Cleeo Wright at Hobbs State Park
After the Mike Wintroath talk, Cleeo Wright will be giving a Nature Photography Class at Hobbs State Park
March 8, 2018
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Class Instructor: John Baltz
This is a short hour long class to prepare you for the Flowers in the Studio event. We will cover the basics of what you will need to know to successfully photograph flowers in the studio, including how to use the strobes, setting a custom white balance, and some unique tricks.
February 22, 2018
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Introduction to Nikon Cameras with Melissa Jones
New to Nikon photography? Get the ins and outs of the Nikon camera line with this special class and workshop.
We’ll start with a class that provides a general rundown of Nikon cameras, their menus and what basic functions photographers need to know to start getting great photos! Then on Saturday, Feb. 24, go in-depth with your Nikon camera in a day-long workshop designed to give you hands-on, one-on-one training with your camera. We’ll explore some of the “hidden” features of the cameras, plus a few essentials and a couple of tricks to take you out of Auto mode and into options that create stunning photography.
The class is not required for the workshop, and vise versa. The class will provide a quick, basic introduction, whereas the workshop will more in depth. Separate registrations are required for both.
January 25, 2018
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Class Instructor: John Baltz
If you’ve ever wanted to know how to become a Judge for PSNWA Print Competitions or maybe you’ve just wanted to understand what judges are looking for when they determine the top photographs in a competition, then you need to take this class.
We will explore the 5 criteria used for judging a print competition, those include Impact, Subject Matter/Creativity, Composition, Technical Mastery, & Print Presentation. Once you understand what each of these areas involve then you will become a better photographer. We will also explore the many different types of competitions that occur every year and are great learning tools for your Photography Toolbox.
October 26, 2017
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Zen and the Art of Street Photography – This class will be a discussion about what street photography is (and what it is not). We will look at the work of the legendary street photographers: Henri Cartier Bresson, Gary Winogrand, Vivian Maier, Jay Maisel and more. What can we learn from the past? How does new technology change the art? We will also touch on the specifics – what you can and cannot shoot, model releases, basic equipment for the street. How to prepare for a day out on the street.
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