Hobbs State Park Exhibit

Your images can be part of the PSNWA seasonal Exhibit at Hobbs State Park Visitor Center. Simply enter the Hobbs themed PSNWA online competition that takes place each a quarter.

  • Photographs of the Hobbs State Park area are primarily desired.
  • Images from other Arkansas State Parks or nature images taken in Arkansas are acceptable and will be prioritized in that order.
  • Photographs must be seasonal scenes requested in the online competition discription.
  • Gallery images will be selected by Hobbs State Park management and staff.
  • Photographers with images selected for the exhibit must be submitted in a digital file to PSNWA for printing.
    • A link for upload of the file will be provided at notification of selection for the exhibit.
    • Photographer must include photograph title, artists name, location where picture was taken.
    • Images must be submitted in a JPG format
    • at a resolution of 300 dpi
    • 14 inches minimum on the long edge.
    • (i.e. an 11 x 14 at 300 dpi will be 3300 x 4200)
    • Watermarks or signatures will not be included on the final displayed images.
  • Prints should be considered “for sale” while on display. Photographers will be contacted about any requiries by PSNWA.