June 23, 2016
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Right Brain Photography Class with Eli Vega
Photographers are often frustrated and confused by all the clutter often seen in many scenarios. Oftentimes, photographers feel overwhelmed when there is so much to take in. In this short course and slide show, Eli will show examples and explain how he creates his right brain photography. You will learn and see the four points he uses to describe his new book, RIGHT BRAIN PHOTOGRAPHY (Be an artist first). Those four points are:
1) Be an artist first, using your cameras and features, (including lenses), as your paint brushes
2) See with your imagination, not your eyes
3) Learn to see something before you see it
4) Make the common uncommon and the mundane insane
As Eli says, “You will not see the world around you the same when you apply right brain photography principles”.
Consider learning more in depth with the upcoming Right Brain Photography workshop.
Class Date – Thursday 6/23/16
Venue: Old PSNWA Gallery & Studios