April 13, 2021
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Arkansas State Hot Air Balloon State Championships are coming up in Harrison on weekend of the 17th. Before going join a chat with resident Hot Air Balloon Photographer guru Tom Ewert for a discussion on what you can expect, best times to photograph, setting for night glow photography, and other secrets for the Hot Air Balloon photography. This is an open online gathering where you can question Tom or give your own advise while he discusses what all goes on at most Balloon Festivals and why.
To join the discussion, click on the button below and register at Zoho Meetings. Upon registering you will be given a unique link that will open the discussion at the designated time.
Photographer: Tom Ewart
Tom is a working professional photographer with over 30 years working experience from everything from commercial to events to sports. He has been either the official photographer or part of the official photography crew at many balloon events around the country including the Alburquerque International Balloon Fiesta in New Mexico where 500-600 hot air balloons take flight over the 9 day event.
Host: Brad Maxwell
Venue: Online at Zoho
Join PSNWA speakers at Zoho, a versatile web tool for hosting online presentations and classes.
Step 1) Select the button in the description to open the Zoho Registration Page.
Step 2) Complete the very short registration form with first name and email address.
Step 3) A notification and reminders with the link for joining the event will be sent to you at the email address used to register for the online session.
Step 4) Click on the join link in the email at the proper time and date to join the online event.
Note: You will need to be on a computer with sound. Test your audio prior to joining the online event to ensure it is working and that the sound level is appropriate. Online events have a registration limit. Once full the Zoho page will not allow additional registrations. Email info@psnwa.org if a session is full and you would like to be placed on a waiting list.