March 1, 2017 - May 1, 2017
12:00 am
The Ozark Photographic Challenge Print Competition allows photographers to submit their best 8×10 ~ 8×12 prints for a chance at top honors! This is the regions premier open competition, drawing on the photographer’s skills in creativity, presentation, and technical skills. Awards are announced at the Mid-America Photography Symposium, May 20 & 21.
This a juried competition and exhibition in a variety of categories covering Architecture, Black & White, Fine Art, Journalism, Landscape, Macro, Wildlife, Portrait, Abandoned and Weather. Entries will be accepted beginning March 1, 2017. Please be sure to read the rules completely and thoroughly. Any part of the rules that are not followed exactly will cause the entry to be disqualified.
Deadline for print submission is May 1, 2017. There is no fee to enter OPC.
More details at the OPC website www.ozarkphotochallenge.org