November 17, 2022
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Now that you’ve taken those great images, what do you do with them?
Professional Photographer Melissa L. Jones will introduce you to post-processing via Camera RAW and Adobe Photoshop. (If time, we will also cover a bit of the Nik Collection). Delve into the basics of processing your photos to correct white balance, add tone and sharpness or make a stunning black-and-white image. You’ll learn how to save those darker areas and create easy spot colors. Bring your computers, your iPads or just a pen and paper, as well as a few RAW images for practice.
Venue: Whole Hog Cafe - Fayetteville
3009 College Ave, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 72703, United States
We appreciate Whole Hog Cafe allowing the use of their meeting room. Please show your appreciation by arriving early and ordering dinner.