March 23, 2017
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
How to Take Photographs Using Composite Techniques
Instructor: Dan Snow
Dan Snow, a freelance photographer, has a strong desire to understand the tragedies of life, and what drives people like his father, a career police officer, to protect us from these horrors. Over the past year, he has sought out different locations where some kind of tragedy has taken place, fatal accidents, crimes, war, and natural catastrophes. The death scenes he photographs are approached as both an investigator and an artist. The history of these locations may be viewed as morbid, yet they have a strange beauty about them. A beauty that exemplifies Victor Hugo’s definition of the sublime as a combination of the grotesque and the beautiful. He has created a body of work entitled, Aftermath, to portray the passage of time, the healing process and remind us that for better or for worse, life goes on.
Dan share with us his photographic works of art and discuss their composition.
What you will learn? Concepts and techniques of compositing.
What you will need? Natural curiosity and open mindedness.
Venue: PSNWA Gallery & Studio
Parking available behind the building.