October 3, 2023
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Join us for a presentation by distinguished photographer Jane Goble. Jane began her photography journey in 2014 when she bought her first camera and lens combo. Since then her love for wildlife photography and landscape photography has become her passion. Her latest project has been photographing wild mustangs in Colorado and Wyoming.
The presentation will take place during the PSNWA first Tuesday meeting at Whole Hog Cafe in Fayetteville. Plan to come early to order dinner and converse with fellow PSNWA members.
Venue: Whole Hog Cafe - Fayetteville
3009 College Ave, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 72703, United States
We appreciate Whole Hog Cafe allowing the use of their meeting room. Please show your appreciation by arriving early and ordering dinner.