Fireworks class
June 7, 2018
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Want to know how to get those streaks of fireworks? Eager to photograph special July 4 events? This class will provide insight on how to photograph fireworks, from huge displays to at-home celebrations. This class accompanies the PSNWA Fireworks Shoot at Arvest Ballpark on June 8, but can be taken separately as well. Instructor Melissa L. Jones will offer suggestions on equipment, settings and general know-how for fireworks photography. For those planning to attend the shoot the next night, she’ll provide special insight into the home of the Northwest Arkansas Naturals, including the best places in the ballpark to shoot (when you’re not attending as a PSNWA member with a special pass) and the best times to get the best shows.
The class will take place at 7 p.m. at the PSNWA Gallery & Studio, 207 NE Second Street in Bentonville, on June 7, 2017.
Venue: PSNWA Gallery & Studio
Parking available behind the building.