Emerging from Covid

As many of you know, last year was difficult for nonprofit organizations, including PSNWA. However, our volunteers met the challenge with innovations that made it possible to move classes and events online as we did our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and keep everyone safe. Unfortunately, the new year hasn’t diminished those safety concerns yet. I am confident that as the vaccines are distributed and Spring arrives, we’ll be able to resume some socially distanced events. The hope is that we will be able to return to some normalcy by summer. Until then, keep an eye on the PSNWA website for upcoming events and classes, and be sure to enter our monthly and quarterly competitions. Know that we continue to plan past the pandemic to bring you some great events in the future. If you’d like to suggest a class, event or guest speaker, let us know by completing the online contact form.

Melissa L. Jones
Executive Chairman, PSNWA