
past classes

Member Classes

  •  March 31, 2020
     7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Want to try your hand at High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography? Not sure how to begin, or what to do once you’ve taken the photos? Photographer Melissa L. Jones will offer tips on how to photograph HDR, then she’ll show you how to process your images through one of the top HDR processing programs, Nik Collection’s HDR Efx Pro. Learn how to adjust your images to give them the exact artistic style you’re seeking, and get some tips on how to bring out the details with out overdoing it.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

  •  March 15, 2020
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Postponed due to concerns with the Coronavirus (COVID-19).


with the Lopez Family

Sannetta Marsh is an internationally published, award-winning documentary family and birth photographer based out of Southwest Missouri.

When she is not photographing the real life stories of her clients, you can find her on her 20 acre hobby farm homeschooling her son and raising a fun variety of animals, camera in hand.

Workshop Details

Location: Springdale, AR


  • A PDF download full of all things storytelling photography.
  • The how, the what and the why.
  • A review of speaking notes from Sannetta Marsh at PSNWA.


Prepare to put the knowledge you have gained from Speaker Sannetta Marsh to good use as she guides you (and a handful of other photographers) through a two hour storytelling session with a real family living their every day life here in NWA. Learn technique and gain invaluable hands-on experience documenting a real story as it unfolds, beginning to end.


Submit contact sheet via digital upload to Sannetta by 3/22/20 for review and critique. Participants will receive a video that can be watched at their convenience of Sannetta’s screen as she reviews, critiques and selects your strongest storytelling images!

*Participants must be willing to submit 5-10 images to Sannetta for final edit/delivery to model family.
*Participants will receive all proper image credit and will, of course, retain copyright.









We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

  •  February 18, 2020
     7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

If you spend some time with Greg Disch, he might ask you what you want to do with your images. If you have not figured it out, your answer will drift off. None of us can print all of our images that we like. Or hang them.

Come learn some of the simple (and not so simple) things you can do to do with the end results of your hours of fun and work. We will learn at least three different solutions that may appeal to you.

One will be a hands-on creation of a “photobook” from start to finish. Lots of do’s and don’ts from the school of hard knocks.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

  •  February 11, 2020
     7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Class Instructor: John Baltz / Mickey Arlow

What are photography competition judges looking for when they determine the top photographs in a competition? What are the criteria used and how can I make sure my image meets those criteria? How do I choose an image to enter into the competition? Have you asked yourself these questions? Then you need to take this class.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

  •  February 8, 2020
     9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Learn the basics of digital photography
This workshop is designed for those new to digital photography who really wish to learn to use their digital camera to its fullest potential. The class will cover very basic information up to some advanced techniques. We will cover how to get out of automatic, and into creative photography. You will learn many creative photography techniques, correct exposure and good composition.  We will cover how to transfer you images to the computer and basic digital workflow.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

   Don’t miss any thing! View all current events on the PSNWA Calendar.