Melissa Jones
Executive Chairperson
The Executive Chairperson promotes the general welfare of this Society, performs all duties customarily pertaining to the office, presides at meetings of this Society, its Board of Directors, and otherwise shall serve, the Board of Directors, the exigencies of the office and the provisions in the Bylaws.

The Executive Vice-Chairperson assists in daily management, coordinates the monthly general meeting, and shall otherwise perform the duties delegated by the Executive Chairperson, Board of Directors, or the Bylaws.

John Baltz
The Secretary/ Treasurer shall perform the duties inherent in the office, and such other duties as may be delegated by Board of Directors or the Bylaws. The Secretary/ Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping the official minutes of the Board of Directors, and maintain the society calendar. Supervise the Society budget, financial statements, and the inventory of the Society’s property. Produce and submit all relevant city, county, state and federal IRS filings. Provide regular financial statements to the Board of Directors, serve as chairperson of the Finance, and Nominating/Elections Committees (as convened).

Brad Maxwell
Membership Chairperson
The Membership Chairperson oversees the operations of recruitment and membership records, and ways to enhance the value of Society membership to new and renewing members. The membership chairperson is responsible for correspondence pertaining to membership including the distribution of PSNWA membership cards.

Reuben Mendiola
Chairperson for Continuing Education
The Continuing Education Chairperson manages the educational services by arranging class instructors and other educational activities for the membership and community.

Alex Reiney
Chairperson for Events & Tours
The Events & Tours Chairperson manages the promotion and planning of events or photographic tours in and around Northwest Arkansas for the benefit of the society membership. Supervises the work of designated event committees, and shall recommend the creation or dissolution of event committees as the Society’s needs may warrant facilitating various events and tours.

Tom Overbey
Competitions Chairperson
The Competition Chairperson manages photographic competitions, including but not limited to the scheduling of competitions, adherence to rules governing competitions, jury, and rewards.

Howard Thompson
Exhibits Chairperson
The Exhibits Chairperson manages member and guest photographer exhibits around Northwest Arkansas including the PSNWA Gallery, the mobile exhibit at festivals, and businesses.

Susane Gruning
Community Service Chairperson
The Community Service Chairperson supervises and ensures PSNWA’s participation in community services such as Help Portrait and the annual NWA Food Bank drive.

Development Chairperson
The Development Chairperson manages all fund raising, and solicitations of any unearned finances or assets donated to the society. Any request for solicitation or donation must first be received and approved by the development chair. All donations of assets must be received by the development chair.

Mickey Arlow
Public Relations & Publications Chairperson
The Public Relations Chairperson provides recommendations and manages the Society’s public image and visibility via various print, social media, and other electronic medias as well as publishes the bulletins and other electronic/printed content to best serve the needs of the Society.

Jason Hudson
Facility Management Chairperson
The Facility Management Chairperson handles room booking for meetings and classes, as well as a variety of other tasks. In addition to managing rooms, analyzing usage, and ensuring PSNWA has a welcoming location for members and guests to meet, the Facility Chairperson ensures a continued good relationship between PSNWA and area businesses and organizations the society relies upon for available space to meet.

The Parliamentarian Chairperson is familiar with Roberts rules of order as well as the bylaws of this society, and the non-profit incorporation of PSNWA. The parliamentarian will be the final source of disputed procedure.