April 6, 2019
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Take your star gazing to the next level! Join us for a night of sky gazing and dark sky photography with Sugar Creek Astronomical Society and the Photographic Society of Northwest Arkansas. The focus of this event is to appreciate our dark skies and to learn about the techniques and equipment needed to capture your own images of the starry night!
Tim Johnson of the Photographic Society of NWA, will start the night with a presentation on night sky photography. Kent Marts from Sugar Creek Astronomical Society, will follow with a presentation on Light Pollution and what we can do to help preserve our dark skies. After the lectures are complete, we will head outside to the parking lot where, weather permitting, we will do some observing through binoculars and telescopes and we will also attempt to take some night sky photographs!
Come with your camera and tripod for an opportunity to practice in the visitor center parking lot after the lectures. You will want a camera with the ability to adjust the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. You will also need to be able to manually focus your camera. A cable release is optional but can be helpful.
You’re also encouraged to bring:
– Flashlight (covered with a red cloth or red balloon)
– Binoculars and/or telescope (if you have)
– Folding chair – one per person
– Star chart (if you have one)
The is free and open to the public.
What to Bring if you can:
– Binoculars (if you have)
– Folding chair – one per person
– Star chart (if you have one)
– Flashlight (covered with a red cloth or red balloon)
Where & When:
– Hobbs State Park Visitor Center
– Located on Hwy 12 just east of the Hwy 12/War Eagle Road intersection.
– Saturday April 6th, 2019
– 6:30 pm Lecture, 8:00 for Star Party
– Cost: Free
Sugar Creek Astronomical Society’s Facebook Page is: https://www.facebook.com/pg/SugarCreekAstro/
The NWA Photographic Society’s Facebook Page is: https://www.facebook.com/PSNWA/
Venue: Hobbs State Park Conservation Center
Venue Phone: 479-789-5000
Venue Website: http://www.arkansasstateparks.com/hobbsstateparkconservationarea/