2017 November Online Competition

[titled_box title=”November Theme: The Holidays” variation=”silver”]Submit your favorite holiday themed photograph capturing the fun, spirit, and joy of the holiday season. [/titled_box]

[margin40] [fancy_box title=”Online Competition Rules” ]Photographic Society of Northwest Arkansas Members can submit 1 image for this competition. Pictures can be submitted from the 1st through the 15th of each month. Voting on images will take place From the 16th through the end of the month and each member will have the opportunity to vote for three of their favorite photographs in the competition. One photographer will be selected as winner based on the total votes received and juried by the PSNWA Chairman for Photographic Competitions. Two honorable mention photographers will also be selected based on votes. The winning print will be displayed as the cover photo on the PSNWA Facebook page the following month. Images may be displayed at participating business sponsors around Northwest Arkansas post competition and published online or in print by PSNWA.[/fancy_box]