March 5, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Gain insights into Professional Photographer Flip Putthoff’s images and experiences as a photographer with the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.
Flip will share the stories behind his photography, offering a glimpse into the challenges and triumphs of an outdoor photographer. Learn about the patience, dedication, and technical skills required to freeze those magical moments in time.
Distinguished Photographer: Flip Putthoff
Flip Putthoff is the outdoors reporter and a staff photographer at the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette where he has worked for 43 years. He lives in his “Shack-ri-la” cabin on Beaver Lake with his cat, TC, and a whole bunch of fishing rods. Flip has a photojournalism degree from the University of Missouri School of Journalism.
Distinguished Photographer Series
You are encourage to attend in person; however, we understand not everyone can drive at night, or live within driving range. If you are unable to attend in person, please try joining us online, click on the below button to register at Zoho Webinar or enter the following link: https://meet.zoho.com/soQ5QRcEJb.
Please note that the Distinguished Photographer Series takes place at different locations around Northwest Arkansas. Some locations may have unreliable internet connections or other issues that delay or hinder the streaming of the presentation. Though we try our best to livestream the talk, some technical difficulties are unavoidable. Attending in person is strongly encouraged.
Venue: Whole Hog Cafe - Fayetteville
We appreciate Whole Hog Cafe allowing the use of their meeting room. Please show your appreciation by arriving early and ordering dinner.