Post and Enter Drawing

  •  April 19, 2020 - April 26, 2020
     1:00 am - 11:59 pm

Look back at images you took, at least more than three months ago, find that interesting image that you might have overlooked at the time, edit and post to the appropriate PSNWA group along with when you took the picture. Pictures have to be previously un-posted images. You can post on each group, but you cannot post the same image to each group for the drawing. Nature pictures in the Nature Group, Fashion in the fashion group, and your interest in the General PSNWA group. One person selected per group by random drawing after the post period. Images need to be posted by Sunday, April 26

We want to see what you have been photographing.  Share your pictures with other members on the PSNWA Facebook Groups.

General Discussion Group:

Nature Group:

Fashion/Glamour Group: