2021 Fall Fair Competition

The nineteenth annual Photographic Society of Northwest Arkansas sponsored Fall Fair Photographic Competition (FFPC). Members compete for one of fourteen places displayed in PSNWA’s large custom exhibit at the Benton county fair, as well as various locations around Northwest Arkansas.

Members can enter up to three images online by August 31 in the annual PSNWA Fall Fair Photographic Competition. The top 14 individual PSNWA member images will be displayed at the Fair. Images will be judged by a panel of three PSNWA members. Submitted pictures should be deemed acceptable for public display for all ages. Photographs will be judged on Impact, Subject Matter / Creativity, Composition, and Technical Quality. Members with images selected for the exhibit will be emailed a link post judging to upload a high resolution file for printing by Bedford Camera and Video.

Having trouble uploading images to the online competition?

Ensure your images meet the following criteria:

  • Images should be in a .jpg or .jpeg format
  • It is strongly suggested that you size your images between 1000 to 2000 pixels along the longest side. Large images may have issues and not completely load.

If you have any questions or issues please email info@psnwa.org for assistance.