PSNWA Summer Shoot – Modeling

Thank you for modeling at the PSNWA event Saturday evening. It looks to be a great event, and it is the first real event post-pandemic for PSNWA. Here are some details about the shoot.

First, there is never a charge for models at PSNWA events. I hope you will receive some super creative images for your portfolio in exchange for your time. I would like to point out that we only have a couple of models for the event. That means there is really no backup. Again I want to thank you very much for agreeing to attend, but I also wish to impress that we are counting on you.


This is a fun summer shoot on location. For these location shoots, PSNWA usually doesn’t provide hair or make-up as it is often difficult to provide adequate facilities on the location. With that said, we have the advantage of meeting at a park that has restrooms available for changing.

You may have already seen the muse gallery on Smugmug.

These are example images we use to drive the look and feel of the session. As a summer theme, sundresses are really a great option to wear. The park is also on the banks of the West Fork of the White River. At this point, it is really more of a creak with some great rock outcroppings and pools. If you like to take mermaid pictures, then this is a great location as well as swim suite pictures. We will continue as the sunsets with some fun sparkler images, and then we have a talented photographer who specializes in Painting With Light. These are the images where the photographer uses various lights and super long exposures to paint in the air things like angel wings on models.

Props we will use include an upright piano we plan to place in the water, an old claw foot bathtub, smoke bombs to create “fog” for dreamy pictures along the stream as the sun sets, perhaps a picnic set, and more.

What you should bring:

– Wardrobe of your choice, again sundresses would be great, as well as anything you might like to bring if you would like to get in or near the water.

– Some towels might be useful if you plan to shoot in the water.

– Anything you feel you might need for hair and makeup throughout the evening. (because of the sunlight situation during the shoot, the agenda is a bit reversed from most. We will start with the water, and then do some more fashion shots with the sparklers, followed by the painting with light, so plan accordingly)

What will be provided:

– Food and drinks (Subs, chips, water, and soda)

– Photographers :-)

– Some cool props and photo opportunities


Brentwood Community Park, US-71, Brentwood, AR 72959

Easy parking just off Highway 71.,+US-71,+Winslow,+AR+72959/@35.8668026,-94.118277,15z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x0:0xa94a7af410af306d!2sBrentwood+Community+Park,+US-71,+Winslow,+AR+72959!3b1!8m2!3d35.8668026!4d-94.118277!3m4!1s0x0:0xa94a7af410af306d!8m2!3d35.8668026!4d-94.118277

Date and Time:

Saturday evening (September 25, 2021)

We plan to start shooting at 5:00 pm, so plan accordingly for the travel time. Brentwood is south of Westfork, so it could be a bit of a drive if coming from Bentonville or Bellavista.

Model release:

You will be asked to sign a PSNWA Model release at the event. This release covers all the photographers at the event and means that you will not have to sign or provide personal contact information to each photographer at the event. Details can be found on the Photographic Society website at:


You are an adult and if you wish to share contact information with any attendees, then that is of course your prerogative. However, to help those wishing to keep personal information private, photographers at the event will be asked not to ask for contact information. If you are asked and don’t wish to share any information, simply tell the photographer that you do not provide contact information at group events.


All photographers in the pre-shoot briefing are told not to touch a model unless given permission. A photographer might ask to correct a strand of hair, and it is your prerogative to allow or to simply say “tell me where the hair is and let me know when I have it taken care of.” If a photographer requests a pose you are uncomfortable with, or location, please feel free to refuse or suggest something else.


Photographers are asked to post images to the following gallery. As part of the PSNWA Model Release, you are free to use the images of yourself. Gallery Link:

Some of us take longer than others to find the time to edit and post images, so check back regularly, even several weeks after the shoot for possible new images.

Called for Weather:

Check your email and Facebook messenger before traveling to Brentwood if the weather looks bad. We try not to cancel an event the same day as the event, but weather can be unpredictable, and PSNWA will always choose to safety canceling in advance if the weather appears to be hazardous for outdoor photography.

Thank you:

Once again thank you for your time. It has been a while since the last Photographic Society shoot. I am sure the break due to the pandemic has left me forgetting something. I have tried to be thorough but if I have missed anything or if you have questions please let me know. If you need to contact me Saturday, my cell phone number is 479-790-9254.

John Baltz
Photographic Society of Northwest Arkansas